May 15, 2010

Mother's Day

This year we spent Mother's Day at my mom's house. We arrived Saturday night after our ward party and spent the night. The next morning we joined my brother at his church. They were doing family portraits and had a slideshow during the church to honor the mothers. It was nice, plus Ava and Lola went to nursery thanks to Jayleigh, my friends 12 year old daughter.
After church we had lunch and I gave my mom her card with pictures of the girls in the bluebonnets.
Brian gave me a card from the girls, it was so cute. Brian wrote what Ava said:
I love you mommy. (Drawing of a horse) I made you that horse. I'm outside. Thank you for my toys. Thank you for carrying me in your belly. I give you this card cause it's Mother's Day and you're the best mommy in the whole wide world. Love you, Ava.
From Lola: Ba ba ba eeek ma ma, then she scribbled her name.
So cute, I loved it.

Brian gave me his own card which was so sweet. Ava then handed me a box which was beautifully wrapped. It was a purse that I wanted and had on hold at Dillards. Unfortunately Brian had such a hard time finding it. For some reason they could find it on hold. Brian even enlisted Nicole to find out more on the purse in hopes in finding the purse on his own. After 4 trips up there he finally broke down and confessed everything. After talking to me he went back up there and they finally found the purse, on hold! However it was no longer on sale, the sale has since ended, since they couldn't find it the first time we had to buy it at full price. So, I'm taking the purse back. I'm so mad they didn't admit their mistake and honor the sale price. I'm so happy with my husband for going through so much trouble though. He sweet and says he will buy me a bike with the money from the purse.

I'm so happy to be a mother to my sweet girls. I couldn't imagine my life without them and thank Heavenly Father for blessing me with these little girls. They make me laugh every day and love when they give me a hug and kiss from out of nowhere. I'm so blessed they have a father who loves them and teaches them, and helps me at every chance. Thank you Brian for being the best husband, and wonderful father, more then I could have hoped for. I love you.