Apr 20, 2010

Bye bye pacifier

Yep that's right, no more pacifiers as of Thursday night!
Brian & I were talking and we decided that Ava needed to go down without a nightlight again. Since we knew it might be a little hard on her we  decided to go ahead and let Lola go to bed with out a pacifier. That way they can both cry it out. After about 5 minutes of crying from Lola she was out. As far as Ava she kept getting out of bed as usual and asking for this and that and finally fell asleep. Five days later and Lola is doing great without the pacifier and I couldn't be happier about the decision. Of course I miss the ability to quiet her with a simple handing over the pacifier but know down the road it would of been a lot harder.

So here is my sweetie today asleep in the car seat without her pacifier. I love this girl!

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