This year on Labor day we went swimming at a Cameron's mom's house. It felt like the last day we'll swim this year. We shall see though! After an afternoon of swimming and grilling we went home for naps. Then off to have dinner at the Ayres. Jamie grilled up some delicious burgers while we dipped into Jeff's guacamole. All the while we enjoyed watching the guys on the ramp Jamie built in his backyard.
Check out this girl. She totally loved Landon's glasses, I was digging them too!
Enjoying the rewards of grilling out.
Jeff amazed us all on the first day he ever skated. He's a natural! He made all the other guys braver.
What's a backyard grill out without a DJ? Brian was dropping the beats and all the guys agreed it helped with their skating!
This is Ben and Kelly. Yes Kelly from Society Bakery. Yes Kelly the one who makes all my kids amazing birthday cakes!
Every now and then the men would take a break and let the kids slide down the ramp. They loved it!
There were some pretty awesome falls. Jeff was fearless for being in med school. Maybe he thought he could take care of any of his injuries.
Lola even enjoyed the board.
While Ava enjoyed picking apples from the apple tree.