Sep 3, 2010

Bowen visits

This is Bowen.


I had the pleasure to care for him today. He is 2 1/2 and an absolute dream. He was so sweet and I was ready to keep him and never give him back. He arrived at 7:45 that morning and by 10 we were at Society Bakery to meet Carrie and her brood of 4 kids. She walked to the bakery. She's insane (strong) that way. Me? Not so much, that's why I'm stopping at 2 kids. Anyway after getting the kids a healthy snack of cookies and cupcakes from our favorite cake designer, Kelly we headed to Carrie's home. She walked with the 4 kids and I drove with my three. I did pickup her oldest half way home though.

This is Addie, the oldest at 5. I love her sense of humor.


This is Gus. He is the 2nd born Westover. He is 1 week older then Ava.


This is Harvey. He's 2. He has the most beautiful curls and check out those lashes!


And last (well not really, cause I'm sure Carrie will have more) is Eloise. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Look at those eyes, gorgeous. I love this family!


They always welcome my unexpected visits and gave me a place to sleep while I visited Dallas while I lived in Longview.


Well after intruding on them today we left to go to the park with some friends from church. The kids had such a wonderful time playing around the dry creek bed then at the actual park though. As long as we were in the shade the weather was perfect!

Best of buds today. They were inseparable!




Penelope is a tiger. Her mom was encouraging her to smile but instead stayed in character.


After a long filled day of playing poor Bowen didn't get his nap. He was a trooper and we had a lot of fun having him with us.