Jan 7, 2010

Ava, Lola and one room

The girls have been sharing a room for one week now. The first night we tried this we ended up moving Lola's bed back to her room. The next time we tried we put Lola to bed first then 30 minutes later sent Ava in there. I guess Lola wasn't fully asleep because as I soundlessly opened the door her cute little head popped up. I proceeded to put Ava to bed and and hour later I could still hear Ava and Lola laughing and playing in there. As long as they weren't crying I was fine with that. Well 30 minutes later we hear the crying coming from Lola. Brian goes in to check things out while I tend to Ava who came out of her room. As Ava returns to her room she quickly is sent back to get me from Brian. I go in there to find this:

This wasn't here when I put the girls to bed. It's a combination of clothes, books, toys and blankets. All of which were just removed from Lola's bed. Yep, all of that you see on the floor was in sweet Lola's bed. Lola was standing in one corner of her bed with no where to go.

After everything was put away and the girls back in bed we didn't hear one peep. I guess they finally tired themself out. I wanted to snap a picture but convinced myself it wouldn't show much, probably just the beds and a brief outline of the girls snuggled under the covers. Honestly I think I was too afraid the sound of the camera would wake them up.

A few times during the night I heard coughing from Ava, but it didn't bother Lola. Sometime later I would hear a brief cry from Lola, which Ava successfully slept through. So it looks like this might work out after all!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Okay...that is pretty hilarious!