Jan 3, 2010

Ava is a Sunbeam

Today Ava became a Sunbeam. She was so excited to leave nursery and go into the big kids class she was running around screaming, I'm a sunbeam, at home. It was so cute and we were so excited for her as well.

Sorry, both these pictures are so alike, but I love the expression in both of them.

I'm sure I was disrupting class but I had to take a picture of her in class. She was so grown and didn't care in the least I was leaving her.

Happy to have her friend Scarlett in class with her. Who by the way insisted on wearing a tie to church today just like daddy!

1 comment:

The Nobles said...

Ava is so cute! I can't believe that she is already a sunbeam. It seemed like just yesterday she was born. They really do grow up fast.